Kaoh Rong

Kaoh Rong

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Survivor Game Changers Power Rankings- Episode 5

WHAT A TRIBAL COUNCIL! I had the great pleasure to be at Survivor Know It Alls at Caroline's on Broadway for this momentous episode. And boy what a reaction! I think we all know that the twist is going to be debated for years to come but it made fabulous television! So how did it alter my power rankings? Shockingly, not much! Since we are getting much on the greenies, they are staying pretty close to their placement. This twist just illuminated some players on why they are where they are. So let's get started!

#1) Brad (1)

Who is this person and what did you do with Brad Culpepper? This man is playing a baller game. In a tribal that should have been all about numbers, he was able to maintain his tribe's numbers while making JT look like a fool. Did this expose him as a massive target? Surely. But he clearly knows how to make moves that are going to work. Now can you blame JT for Brad's success? Yes. But more on that later. 

#2) Ozzy (2)

There is absolutely no reason to move Ozzy. He didn't get much time to show any faults, flaws, or success. He is leading his tribe to victory and that's all that matters right now.

#3) Sierra (4)

Like Brad, who is this person?! We won't know the full truths of this tribal until we get a perspective from each post game but Sierra played it well. And she gained bonus points for playing it cool. Is JT a big reason why she didn't go home? Yes. But more on that later.

#4) Sandra (5)

Listen, Sandra is the biggest target at this tribal. And yet again, not only is she safe, she received zero votes. How? Well, she's good. Is she going to win? Hell no. But she has gotten farther than anyone expected. JT may be another reason why she's safe. By getting in Brad's ear, he caused the vote to move away from her. So she should thank him. And thank him by voting him out. 

#5) Troyzan (6)

Troyzan didn't have the strongest showing. Coffee is for closers. But he has the idol. Let's just remember that! 

#6) Sarah (7)

Again, no need for her to move. But we did see her featured in the next time on preview. We see her get a big moment there. That's either a sign of death or she's about to gain control. I'm going with the latter.

#7) Andrea (9)

Let's all remember that Andrea is pretty damn decent at challenges. She reminded everyone of this. It's a good thing and a bad thing. But it's exposing her as a threat should another swap loom closer.

#8) Zeke (10)

Another one who by episode appearance has nothing to worry about. That is if they lose with a Troyzan idol still in play. An easy target for an idol out.

#9)  Michaela (11)

Michaela didn't get a real chance to play in Millennials vs Gen X simply because she was safe more than she wasn't. Girl is getting to PLAY! She has seen nearly every tribal and she has been active in each. Michaela needs to calm down though. It's not a good look right now.

#10) Jeff (12)

Here's the thing with Jeff. He could easily move down much lower. His tribe is significantly weaker now that Malcolm is gone. But JT is officially enemy number one so he should be safe for at least one more Tribal.

#11) Cirie (13)

The last of the greenies, Cirie is just the biggest target who is in the least control. She needs to hope they keep on winning.

#12) Debbie (8)

Debbie has the biggest shake up because of the preview. What the hell is that outburst for? I fear that Debbie is about to blow up her game big time. And for what?

#13) Aubry (14)

Target! Malcolm going is bad for her. And this apparent feud with Sandra does not bode well for her. She needs to hope a miracle saves the tribe.

#14) Hali (17)

Everyone is playing by Tribal lines and that's not good for Hali moving forward. What is good for her is ability to play hard. She may not be smart but she is a gamer for sure!

#15) Tai (15)

I went back and forth on putting Tai on the bottom. Let's face it, that tribal would not have been what it was had Tai not played the idol. Now here's my stance. He had absolutely no reason to share that he had the idol. He needed that further down the road. It would have been risky to lose a number but he was not the target and now has exposed himself as an idol seeker, again. I fear that Tai's days are numbered. 

#16) JT (16)

JT is only successful when he has a genius on his side. Yes, I'm calling Stephen Fishbach a genius. And I believe that even more after meeting him last week. JT should have kept his butt in his seat, voted with his tribe, and proved his loyalty. All that is gone now. JT is done on Survivor. Don't expect a redemption story for him anytime soon unless he gets Stephen as a partner. 

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