Kaoh Rong

Kaoh Rong

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Survivor Kaoh Rong: Episode 4 Power Rankings

Being cocky can get you booted from the game. Being overally cocky will get your alliance buddy booted from the game. Just ask Liz Markham. Dr. Obama was a loud mouth which assisted in Liz's ouster. It was certainly a viewer blindside due to how we thought her placement on the tribe. Does Debbie get the MVP of the episode? It's likely. Does that make her a strong contender for sole survivor? Not a chance. The top spots stay the same (though you could make a case for Jason to boost up due to getting, not finding, the Hidden Immunity Idol). The bottom? That's where the big shake ups happen. With a looming medivac about to come, will the leaving player change up the entire game? We shall see!

#1) Anna (1)

Anna hasn't really done much to change her placement. Unless a big shake up happens, her journey to victory is safe.

#2) Jason (2)

Jason, Jason, Jason. He is getting a very polarizing edit. You either love him or hate him. I'm on the latter side. His intensity is a bit too much for me. But with the idol, he has great positioning. Will he use it properly or as a scare tactic? That's the big question.

#3) Julia (3)

We didn't really see much from Julia again but Sorority Sister is in a great position. Again, shake up will be her only downfall. 

#4) Michele (4)

Another week, another time I say, see above.

#5) Neal (5)

Neal secured his spot as the biggest Brain. Peter is the logical next boot should Brains go to Tribal but Neal could use him as a prop. Neal has trust in the majority of the tribe. The others? Not so much. 

#6) Tai (8)

Tai Trang is so loved that anytime you see him get sad, your heart melts. His tribute to the chickens was just, I can't. By finding the Hidden Immunity Idol and keeping it a secret, Tai falls right behind the Sorority Sisters. It's not likely he'll be voted out so expect him to look for another person with the idol to make it a super idol.

#7) Caleb (6)

Caleb is dominating the challenges. Caleb is a strong asset. With the Sorority Sisters coming to Caleb to join their numbers, it looks like Nick is the odd man out. But will Caleb be ok losing another alpha? 

#8) Aubry (12)

Here's the thing about Aubry. I don't see her winning. In fact, I don't see her doing much of anything. Aubry was granted the gift of not having an ego. Had the Brains been smart, they would have banded together to vote her or Debbie out. But she is still here and her number one is Neal. With him on her side, Aubry is in fine positioning. Should she lose him, she's immediately gone. 

#9) Scot (10)

Scot is either the best sidekick or the biggest, clueless moron. Scot may think he has a chance of Jason using the idol on him. It will NEVER happen. 

#10) Debbie (16)

How the hell did Debbie get this big of a jump? Who the hell knows. But Debbie was a rock star last week. Will the star last or fade out? I'm thinking the latter. But Debbie is flexible and willing to play.

#11) Cydney (13)

Cydney made an incredible move by taking the idol information and giving it to Jason. She has proven her trust and loyalty to Jason and Scot, forcing them to keep her and not the goat, Alecia. Cydney should be safe should Brawn find themselves at Tribal. But what she should really hope for is a tribal shakeup where she can be a swing vote.

#12) Joe (15)

Joe hasn't really proven his game play just yet. What he's shown is that he will be loyal and do what he's told. That's not a winner. Joe needs to find a time to make his own move and not do someone else's bidding. 

#13) Nick (11)

Oh Nick. You should be happy you're not the biggest douchebag. Give that crown this week to Peter. But expect to get it back. Nick is the bottom of Beauty. He needs to pray Beauty stays away from Tribal or he is out.

#14) Alecia (14)

Blondie. C'mon! What the hell were you thinking! KEEP THE CLUE TO YOURSELF! Sure, I understand why she wanted to bring a buddy but did she really think she could trust her biggest competition? Alecia is a goner if she doesn't see a tribal swap.

#15) Peter (7)

Peter. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? Does he truly think he has any shot at winning now? Being cocky is one thing but that Tribal verbal spewage was horrendous. He needs to figure out a way to be used, and be willing to be a number, because he is no longer a contender. 

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