Kaoh Rong

Kaoh Rong

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Survivor Cambodia: Episode 10/11 Power Rankings

T'was the night before Thanksgiving and Survivor reminded us why we should be so thankful this show is still strong after 31 seasons! Not only did we get a double episode, we got two epic episodes. We watched an immunity idol get played. We watched an advantage get played. And we saw the Golden Boy get a huge pass. After Ciera and Stephen were voted off, the power rankings take a massive spin at the top.

#1) Spencer (3)

Spencer may not be winning much but after getting Stephen out, Spencer holds more power than everyone realizes. But if he realizes it, he needs to check his ego before he goes on a power trip. Spencer is a swinger this week. He can go with Jeremy, Tasha, and Kimmi or he can go with Abi, Kelley, Keith, and Joe. It all depends on who he wants to target. 

#2) Jeremy (4)

Jeremy lost his fishy. But his eyes are surely open to his awful situation. A tribal after using his first idol on his buddy, his buddy gets booted. While the likelihood of anyone realizing he has another idol is slim, Jeremy needs to figure out a way to win back Spencer. And that pitch needs to include the following: vote out Joe. Jeremy needs to keep an ear to all the action and be ready with that idol or he could be in trouble.

#3) Kelley (10)

Why is Kelley at the top of her alliance? Oh that's right, she found ANOTHER idol. Kelley is playing a smooth game by not only to manage to remain week after week but playing to win. Kelley has an ally in Spencer and in Joe and in Abi but also knows that she has to play to win. Be ready for her to cut someone to build up that resume. 

#4) Tasha (6)

Despite getting labeled as one, Tasha is the queen of the flip this season. She voted for Stephen despite him being saved by Jeremy. She went back to Stephen to split the vote between Joe and Abi. She clearly has a loyalty to Jeremy but she seems to be willing to float over to Spencer, who also is wishy-washy. But in a game of all-stars, this gets overlooked because we just want to see players play.

#5) Kimmi (4)

Kimmi found herself at the receiving end of some votes. And she was shocked. Kimmi knows that her time could be coming to an end if she doesn't make a move. And she needs to be the spearhead that lobbies for Joe. Everyone may be thinking it but she needs to rally the ladies to do it. 

#6) Abi-Maria (7)

Abi hasn't been doing much aside from some toilet humor. From following Joe and claiming she needed to relieve herself to calling Stephen Poopy Pants, Abi is becoming the queen of the soundbite. And that is not a way to win Survivor. If Abi survives much longer it's because she is the goat of the season. 

#7) Keith (5)

With Joe's boot inevitable, Keith has to know that he is on the chopping block. He can be a challenge treat if there are balls and he is generally liked. Keith has stuck to the plan but a second chance that does not make.

#8) Joe (9)

Joey Amazing got a free pass. The fact that the tribe saw Stephen as a bigger treat than Joe is a bit shocking to be honest. If he loses immunity again and he is not voted off then Joe deserves to win the game because the others are just plain stupid. 

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