Kaoh Rong

Kaoh Rong

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Episode 9 Recap- Foam Boy Hunting!

Life post Mama Day finds us in a world ruled by Vanessa and Austin and Gronk’s party is the most excitement to come. Please tell me there is hope in this world because this ain’t my party scene. With Da’Vonne gone, Audrey should be enemy number 1. Vanessa, hours before the eviction, learns the truth about Liz and Julia. How will this work to her advantage? With Julia coming out to Vanessa, Julia has plans post official switch, but getting there has to happen first. Vanessa needs to protect Liz and Julia so she goes to Shelli and Clay about the truth. Shelli understands how this could work to her advantage if another number comes in. Clay warns Julia that she can’t be alone with the other side of the house. Shelli is so happy for one reason and one reason only. SORORITY SISTERS! ugh Vanessa goes to Austin who is completely in the dark about the truth. So dumb. With the Twin alliance in power, how will they secure 3 more evictions? We’ll find out soon but first it’s HOH room time. Oh wait, not yet. Meg and Jason and Jeff and James praying they’re not targets. Austin finally gets his Julia moment where Austin reveals to us that he actually likes Liz. But not necessarily Julia. Even though he had no idea which was which. Hillbilly and Amazing Race Douche are freaking out about Vanessa because they have no idea what she’ll do. But Austin and Vanessa decide that Jeff, Jason, or James should be the ultimate target making the house think Audrey is the real target. It’s a risky move but with the pieces in place, it could secure a better chance getting Julia into the game. 

It’s finally HOH room reveal. Vanessa gets to see a picture of her girlfriend and her puppies. Austin finds baby pictures and Clay Aiken music. Austin is a Claymate? HUH! In the twin swap, Julia reveals to Liz that her new alliance knows everything. She goes straight to the HOH room where Vanessa clearly has no idea who is who. Clay arrives in a sexy bathrobe to greet real Liz. Liz is relieved until she understands how mean the rest of the house are. STOP FAT SHAMING! But as Liz reveals the differences between the two, these houseguests are morons. As is Austin with the dumb alliance name. The Sixth Sense. Well, actually that’s not half bad. 

In the backyard, Clay and Steve play with balls and bro out on the hammock. Wait, strike that. They fall right off. Sorry Stevie, you’re a dork. James knows he and his group are going up until they theorize about Liz. The Rock Doc plays detective about Liz and the crown on her tooth. Rock Dock intrudes the HOH and plays fake paparazzi until Liz gets onto him. Jeff pulls his podcast bro Austin into a room to tell him that his bestie is a twin. Austin plays dumb, which he does well, because he knows he is about to slam a knife into his Jeff’s back. Jeff wants the Liz reveal to happen but Austin will protect his ladies! Austin, Vanessa, and Liz try to pick their nominees for eviction. Vanessa wants Austin to nominate Meg and she’ll pick John. But they need a deal with him to play the pawn again. Vanessa and Austin him safety through six evictions. He agrees because he can’t say no at this point. Oh and has anyone noticed Becky hasn’t been seen at all this episode? Poor Becky. So pointless. 
Austin/Judas and Vanessa reveal their nominations

It’s nomination time. What is about to happen because Judas is in the house! Austin and Judas decide to nominate Meg and Jason because of Da’Vonne. Vanessa selects James and John for game purposes. Jason is pissed to up with Princess Pretty Pawn. Johnny is mad because James took his picture spot. He’s becoming more and more lovable. Audrey is on the outs and breathes a quick sigh of relief. Meg is upset because she doesn’t want to continue to be a pawn. Well go talk to Johnny, Princess Pretty Pawn. Meg and Jason are collectively made because unless it’s bedazzling, putting up a play, or cooking a frittata, they’re gonna lose up against the dudes. James tries to hype up the Rock Doc but he doesn’t buy into it because he’s in a good spot and can’t reveal it. 

Gronk's Foam Party Battle of the Block
It’s a foam party in the backyard at Club Gronk. Wait! There are non houseguests in the house! WHAT! The Battle of the Block this week is find the matching patterns on items to the party goer. Oh and there’s a maze involved. James’ strategy is to find the hot chicks. Jason is so “disorientating”. Johnny Mac is throwing it but also can’t breathe through the foam. Poor kid. Meg notices the man with the murse because how can you miss a man with a murse and immediately finds his matching pattern. James is clueless because all he knows is camo. The gay man and the New York hipster chick are destroying the competition. Partially because James sucks at this. Jason is thrilled with all the cute boys in his VIP lounge. Jason and Princess Pretty Pawn win dethroning Austin, who gets foamed in the process. With James and John on the block, will Audrey be the target as the house assumes or will Jeff find himself up there if a veto is used? Oh NO site of Becky until the credits. Poor train wreck. 

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