#1) Jason (1)
Like him or hate him, Jason is sitting very pretty. He will soon be reunited with his long lost Bash Brother who now has an idol buddy in Tai. Jason knows how to work Scot. The trick will be whether or not Scot tells Jason about Tai's idol. If Jason is left in the dark, his stock greatly drops.
#2) Scot (2)
I fear Scot is loyal to a fault. With Brawn being a potential swing vote, Scot will follow the leader and the leader is Jason. Scot's biggest play will be whether or not he reveals Tai's idol to his buddy. If he were to keep it a secret, Scot is a power player. Should Jason learn of it and not come from Scot's mouth, he's screwed. Jason wants to win and will cut him for it.
#3) Cydney (4)
Cydney is a quiet beast and I love it! The reason she's not at the top is she lacks the solid number 2 that Jason has in Scot and Scot has in Jason. We've come to learn that Cydney is a true triple threat and is more personable that Jason. And that makes her a bigger threat. Cydney needs to find a solid side alliance. Perhaps that will be in Michele and Julia. They do need to replace their fallen leader.
#4) Debbie (5)
Debbie is getting dangerous! People outside her tribe are warming up to her! She's gaining trust in people. But they don't know her true crazy. Once they do, Debbie could be voted out just to save sanity. Debbie's game could also be derailed if Joe forces her to turn on her numbers or if people talk about her double dealing. If we lose Debbie, we lose our biggest narrator in confessional.
#5) Neal (3)
Neal has been mighty silent. And that could be good or bad. Neal has an idol that seemingly no one knows about. It gives him a solid week if he is viewed as a threat but looking at the make up of the merge tribe, Neal has a few buffers to throw shots at. Like Debbie, Neal will need to learn intel about Aubry's big move. He will need to make a quick decision to decide how that will affect his game moving forward.
#6) Tai (7)
This will be a telling merge for the fate of Tai Trang. We already know that Scot likes Tai but Jason has not met Tai yet. Depending on how Scot introduces the pair will determine how Tai and Jason bond. I fear that if Jason fells Tai has grown closer to Scot, he will easily target him. Jason needs Scot and cannot lose him to anyone. There's so much talk about Scot being the link to the two idols but wouldn't it be fascinating that rather than powering them together Tai and Jason use them AGAINST each other?
#7) Julia (11)
Julia should have been gone. That was the easy move. Peter just tried his power move a week too late. You have to credit Julia for laying low enough yet gaining enough incite on the tribe to stick around. In a merge tribe, Julia will coast far. Especially now that she'll be back with Michele and has a few new ally options. Julia isn't higher only because she isn't linked to anyone in a power spot. But expect her to move up next week.
#8) Michele (8)
There's no crying in Survivor, bro. This Jersey girl has a bite but we also saw her lose it. Showing vulnerability was not a good look for Michele. And there is a reason we saw her and Nick butt heads a bit. The trouble for Michele, and Nick, is they have yet to see a Tribal Council. They don't have experience in the half truths of Tribal. Michele moves up simply because she gets Julia back. Michele will need to trust Julia and whoever she has in her back pocket because those bonds have been tried. Michele's potential link to Debbie has not be tested. And that's scary.
#9) Aubry (6)
Abury's Tribal Council decision will be debated for a long time. Did she make the right move? Was crossing out the name a good idea? Should she switched on the revote? It doesn't matter at this point but I honestly think this move will bite her in the butt. I don't see Joe trusting her. Though Julia, and in turn Tai and Scot, should be thankful, simply thinking about voting off Julia proves she's indecisive. Aubry will need to save face and put out every fire that is bound to be set a blaze when the merge happens. The manner of her vote will be a great discussion and depending on who tells the story and how they tell it will seal Aubry's fate. I see Aubry out very soon.
#10) Nick (9)
While I'm slightly disappointed we'll never see the interactions of the two biggest egos in all of Cambodia, Nick is in trouble. Yes, Nick has a pretty solid read on the truth of Debbie and Jason. But Nick also thinks he has some control. If Beauty becomes a target, he has three people ready to throw his name out there. Nick is a perfect merge boot. Can anything save him?
#11) Joe (10)
Peter may have been blindsided by going home but Joe is probably the one with the biggest blindside. Not only did Aubry turn on their plan, she did it in grand fashion. Joe seems like a nice guy. We know he gets a little Hulk-ish when he's angry. Joe will most certainly go off on Aubry. Whether he does it privately or publicly will be his downfall. I could see him getting so moody that he just stops playing. And if enough targets see him give up, it's easy to want to vote Joe out. We haven't really seen Joe be worthwhile in the challenges so he's not a threat in that manner but the grandpa persona could garner votes down the line. If Joe goes in the next vote or two, it will officially be the demise of the Brains tribe.
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